Charlotte’s UDO University

UDO University - is a virtual training opportunity to help explain Charlottes’s new Unified Development Ordinance.  These 11 sessions will be presented by Charlotte city planning staff. 

3/25/2023 Update:
for recorded sessions and presentations.

The sessions will include:

UDO University

Friday, January 13th through Friday, March 24th

  • An Overview of the Charlotte UDO

  • Zoning Districts in the UDO

  • Tree Protection Article of the UDO

  • Subdivision, Network and Access, and Other Infrastructure

  • Neighborhood Zoning Districts

  • An Overview of the UDO Administration

  • Stormwater Standards in the UDO

  • Parking, Landscaping and Screening, and Open Space

  • Required New Street/Improvements and Standards

  • Frequent Users Questions and Answers

  • Residential Permitting

Registration required at

All sessions will be virtual via ZOOM. Fridays at 1-2p. from January 13 - March 24

City of Charlotte UDO University Syllabus

Week 1 - Friday, January 13, 2023: An Overview of the Charlotte UDO

Presenter: CLT Development Center Staff
• To help in understanding how the UDO is organized and what is contained in each of the UDO’s articles
• Intended to clarify and build awareness on standards in the UDU
• Answer questions about what is included in the UDO
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff and General Stakeholders wanting a basic knowledge of the UDO

Week 2- Friday, January 20, 2023: Zoning Districts in the UDO

Presenter: Commercial Zoning Team
• Review the organization of the new UDO zoning districts
• Understand the relationship between Place Types and Zoning districts
• Explain what happens to the current zoning districts when the UDO is adopted
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff

Week 3 - Jan 27, Tree Protection Article of the UDO

Presenter: Urban Forestry Team
• This session covers the purpose and content of the Tree Protection Article in the UDO.
• Special focus will be given to heritage tree protection for large, healthy trees
• The new option for new development to comply with the article
• The rules for infill redevelopment
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff

 Week 4 - Feb. 3, Subdivision, Network and Access, and Other Infrastructure

Presenters: Subdivision and CDOT Teams
• An exploration of: What is, and what is not, a subdivision
• The requirements for review and approval of subdivisions and exempt plats
• Learn how development builds connectivity and contributes to the city’s transportation network
• Learn how the UDO provides guidance on access to properties through driveways and cross access
• Learn what other development infrastructure the UDO provides guidance on
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff

Week 5 - Feb 10, Neighborhood Zoning Districts

Presenter: Commercial Zoning Team
• Understand the relationship between the Neighborhood Place Types and the Neighborhood Zoning Districts
• Explain what happens to the current zoning districts with the adoption of the UDO
• Review the highlights of the UDO Neighborhood 1 and Neighborhood 2 zoning districts
• Review the new overlay districts available in N1 zoning
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff

Week 6 - Feb. 17, An Overview of the UDO Administration

Presenter: CLT Development Staff
• Explain and clarify contents in each of the administrative articles
• Build awareness of key changes in requirements
• Answer questions about what is included in the administrative articles
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff

 Week 7 - Feb 24, Stormwater Standards in the UDO

Presenter: Charlotte Water’s Stormwater Team
• Provide an overview of changes/updates to existing and proposed stormwater articles
• Answer questions about stormwater articles
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff

Week 8 - March 3, Parking, Landscaping and Screening, and Open Space

Presenter: Commercial Zoning Team
• Understand where to find the UDO requirements for Parking, Landscape and Screening, and Open Space requirements
• Learn the various topics covered by each respective article
• Review some of the specific requirement s for each of these sections
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff

Week 9 - March 10 ,Required New Street/Improvements and Standards

Presenter: Planning and CDOT Staff
• Learn when, or if, development triggers new or improved streetscape
• Learn where the standards are for how these improvements are built in the physical environment
• Learn about the process for how development may mitigate transportation impacts in and around projects
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff

 Week 10 - March 17, Frequent Users Questions and Answers

Presenter: CLT Development Staff
• Focus on high level changes rather than site-specific standards
• Answer questions submitted by attendees
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff

 Week 11 - March 24 Residential Permitting

Presenter: Stormwater/Land Development, Urban Forestry and Residential Zoning Teams
• Review the requirements, process, and roles and responsibilities for residential permitting for single family homes and additions to single family homes, effective June 1, 2023
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff, Single Family General Contractors, Realtors, and Residents

B Holladay