Charlotte’s UDO University
UDO University - is a virtual training opportunity to help explain Charlottes’s new Unified Development Ordinance. These 11 sessions will be presented by Charlotte city planning staff.
3/25/2023 Update:
for recorded sessions and presentations.
The sessions will include:
UDO University
Friday, January 13th through Friday, March 24th
An Overview of the Charlotte UDO
Zoning Districts in the UDO
Tree Protection Article of the UDO
Subdivision, Network and Access, and Other Infrastructure
Neighborhood Zoning Districts
An Overview of the UDO Administration
Stormwater Standards in the UDO
Parking, Landscaping and Screening, and Open Space
Required New Street/Improvements and Standards
Frequent Users Questions and Answers
Residential Permitting
Registration required at
All sessions will be virtual via ZOOM. Fridays at 1-2p. from January 13 - March 24
City of Charlotte UDO University Syllabus
Week 1 - Friday, January 13, 2023: An Overview of the Charlotte UDO
Presenter: CLT Development Center Staff
• To help in understanding how the UDO is organized and what is contained in each of the UDO’s articles
• Intended to clarify and build awareness on standards in the UDU
• Answer questions about what is included in the UDO
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff and General Stakeholders wanting a basic knowledge of the UDO
Week 2- Friday, January 20, 2023: Zoning Districts in the UDO
Presenter: Commercial Zoning Team
• Review the organization of the new UDO zoning districts
• Understand the relationship between Place Types and Zoning districts
• Explain what happens to the current zoning districts when the UDO is adopted
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff
Week 3 - Jan 27, Tree Protection Article of the UDO
Presenter: Urban Forestry Team
• This session covers the purpose and content of the Tree Protection Article in the UDO.
• Special focus will be given to heritage tree protection for large, healthy trees
• The new option for new development to comply with the article
• The rules for infill redevelopment
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff
Week 4 - Feb. 3, Subdivision, Network and Access, and Other Infrastructure
Presenters: Subdivision and CDOT Teams
• An exploration of: What is, and what is not, a subdivision
• The requirements for review and approval of subdivisions and exempt plats
• Learn how development builds connectivity and contributes to the city’s transportation network
• Learn how the UDO provides guidance on access to properties through driveways and cross access
• Learn what other development infrastructure the UDO provides guidance on
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff
Week 5 - Feb 10, Neighborhood Zoning Districts
Presenter: Commercial Zoning Team
• Understand the relationship between the Neighborhood Place Types and the Neighborhood Zoning Districts
• Explain what happens to the current zoning districts with the adoption of the UDO
• Review the highlights of the UDO Neighborhood 1 and Neighborhood 2 zoning districts
• Review the new overlay districts available in N1 zoning
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff
Week 6 - Feb. 17, An Overview of the UDO Administration
Presenter: CLT Development Staff
• Explain and clarify contents in each of the administrative articles
• Build awareness of key changes in requirements
• Answer questions about what is included in the administrative articles
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff
Week 7 - Feb 24, Stormwater Standards in the UDO
Presenter: Charlotte Water’s Stormwater Team
• Provide an overview of changes/updates to existing and proposed stormwater articles
• Answer questions about stormwater articles
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff
Week 8 - March 3, Parking, Landscaping and Screening, and Open Space
Presenter: Commercial Zoning Team
• Understand where to find the UDO requirements for Parking, Landscape and Screening, and Open Space requirements
• Learn the various topics covered by each respective article
• Review some of the specific requirement s for each of these sections
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff
Week 9 - March 10 ,Required New Street/Improvements and Standards
Presenter: Planning and CDOT Staff
• Learn when, or if, development triggers new or improved streetscape
• Learn where the standards are for how these improvements are built in the physical environment
• Learn about the process for how development may mitigate transportation impacts in and around projects
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff
Week 10 - March 17, Frequent Users Questions and Answers
Presenter: CLT Development Staff
• Focus on high level changes rather than site-specific standards
• Answer questions submitted by attendees
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff
Week 11 - March 24 Residential Permitting
Presenter: Stormwater/Land Development, Urban Forestry and Residential Zoning Teams
• Review the requirements, process, and roles and responsibilities for residential permitting for single family homes and additions to single family homes, effective June 1, 2023
Audience: Design Professionals, Developers, Staff, Single Family General Contractors, Realtors, and Residents