2022 Election Recap Meeting

Join the Chamber Public Policy Committee for a full overview of the 2022 election. Dr. Michael Bitzer and Bryan Holladay will recap and review the winning candidates locally, statewide and national, as well as a discussion about what the results mean for the city’s businesses and residents.

Networking Reception at Repour Charlotte proceeding the meeting.


Chamber Public Policy Committee

Innovation Barn 932 Seigle Ave. Charlotte, NC 28205
Wednesday, November 16, 5:00-6:30pm


Dr. Michael Bitzer is the Chair for the Department of Politics at Catawba College. Teaching at Catawba since 2002 and recipient of the Swink Professor for Excellence in Teaching. He is also the one of the premier local election experts in the Charlotte region. Having Authored multiple books on North Carolina politics. He is a frequent guest on local news shows across the state and often interviewed by national news organizations. In addition, he is the founder and manager of the OldNorthStatePolitics.com blog.

Presented in Partnership with The Charlotte Ledger.


B Holladay