$85 million for YIMBY

$85 million in competitive Community Development Block Grants to States and local governments, metropolitan planning organizations, and other eligible entities to incentivize the elimination of exclusionary, restrictive zoning and land uses to advance fair housing and support the creation of affordable housing in every community. This reflects the priorities of the Unlocking Possibilities provision of the Build Back Better Act. - House Committee on Financial Services

Congress' $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill Includes a Baby 'YIMBY' Grant Program
“Tucked inside the $1.7 trillion, 4,000-page spending bill is a Yes in my Backyard or YIMBY grant program that will pay jurisdictions for removing barriers to affordable housing production. That's the hope anyway.” - Reason Article

Up for Growth Action Applauds Passage of Key Housing Provisions in 2023 Omnibus Bill
“The provision is based on the bipartisan Housing Supply and Affordability Act (HSAA), which created a new Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grant program to fund the planning and implementation of policies that reduce barriers and increase the nation’s housing supply.” - Up For Growth

Omnibus Federal Funding Bill Mixed Bag for Rental Housing Industry
“Some specific examples include increasing density, reducing minimum lot sizes, creating transit-oriented development zones or streamlining or shortening permitting processes, among others. Additionally, the bill directs HUD to issue best practices for local, state and regional agencies to improve such opportunities.” - National Apartment Association

B Holladay