Fearless Girl

Fearless Girl continues to be one of the best stealth marketing campaigns of all time. State Street Global Advisors (financial firm) and McCann (ad firm) rolled out a new advertising campaign around honoring Justice Ginsburg - and it has gained a lot of free publicity.

Fearless Girl was commissioned by State Street Global Advisors as an advertisement for an index fund that is comprised of gender-diverse companies. The Gender Diversity Index Fund has the NASDAQ ticker symbol SHE.

The original Fearless Girl campaign launched by McCann in 2017 and won a few prestigious Advertising/PR awards while creating some controversies.


With a combination of “it is better to be lucky then good” and “timing is everything”, State Street Global Advisors and McCann were able to build a campaign around the passing of Justice Ginsburg. State Street Global Advisors had already purchased Sunday ad space in the New York Times for a mask-themed campaign, allowing McCann to quickly pivot into creating the Ginsburg tribute campaign.

“The new ad was created out of McCann yesterday in under eight hours, from ideation to approval. The collar was pulled from an RBG costume of one of the agency’s staffers and then placed onto the statue, which now stands across from the New York Stock Exchange.” - Ag Age

Print Advertisement as it appeared in the NYT

Print Advertisement as it appeared in the NYT

Image of original planned ad from Ag Age

Image of original planned ad from Ag Age

fearless tweat.png

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B Holladay