Restructuring Charlotte City Council

An appointed Citizen Advisory Committee on Governance is reviewing the current Charlotte City Council structure and will make recommendations to City Council on term lengths, compensation, and Council District composition. The Committee has created a survey to help gather public feedback.
Link to Survey (expires October 1st)

The Most Recent Polling (2018)

In 2018, Forward Charlotte conducted a public opinion poll with Charlotte voters on subject.
Click to see the 2018 poll results by Forward Charlotte

4 Year Terms

Do you support or oppose the proposed 4 year terms?

Pay Raises

Do you support or oppose a pay raise for city council members?

The Reason for Change

Charlotte City Council operates at a smaller scale then most cities of the same size.

Who is The Citizen Advisory Committee

  • Co-Chair Cyndee Patterson, Lynwood Foundation

  • Kristen Conner, Keller Williams SouthPark

  • Christy Long, Wells Fargo

  • Brandon Pierce, Coca-Cola Consolidated

  • Cecy Ramirez, Hispanic Community Leader

  • Rev. Eleanor Norman Shell, Presbytery of Charlotte

  • Liz Winer, Winer Family Foundation

  • Co-Chair Amy Peacock, Joe Martin ALS Foundation

  • Mimi Davis, Retired Teacher

  • Rick Pfeiffer, Retired Human Resources Executive

  • Janice Robinson, Cabarrus College

  • Sam Smith, United Way of Central Carolinas

  • Peter Smolowitz, Eric Mower + Associates

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