The CRTPO 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Draft Plan

The 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan

The Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO), encompassing Iredell, Mecklenburg and a majority of Union County, is currently updating the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The 2050 MTP plan will be adopted in March of 2022, this regional plan will outline the transportation goals, objectives and priorities for the next 20 years. This plan considers all transportation modes (driving, bicycling, walking, riding transit, freight movement) while incorporating environmental, economic, health and quality of life factors. It will also focus on the funding needed for projects, evaluates how funding is spent, and measures if we are moving in the right direction. Read to the bottom for public input opportunities.


The 2050 MTP’s Six Proposed Goals and Objectives

Read the full proposed 2050 MTP Goals Objectives Document

1. Safe, efficient, sustainable transportation

1) Maintain existing system; 2) Manage/reduce congestion; 3) Minimize crashes; 4) Promote sustainability; 5) Implement new technology; 6) Promote ped/bike safety; 7) Reduce carbon emissions

2. Integrated, accessible, multimodal transportation

1) Develop multimodal system; 2) Increase connectivity; 3) Utilize complete streets; 4) Support transit; 5) Provide ped/bike links; 6) Promote regional mobility; 7) Participate in transit initiatives

3. Improve quality of life

1) Support design standards compatible with community needs & built environment; 2) Minimize impacts, promote active living & healthy communities; 3) Integrate transportation & land use policies

4. Equitable transportation options

1) Serve disadvantaged populations with convenient transportation; 2) Engage & educate residents not reached by traditional planning process; 3) Identify projects in environmental justice communities

5. Regional and statewide collaboration

1) Develop joint goals & policies with other MPOs in region; 2) Participate in planning efforts initiated by other agencies in the region; 3) Lead & partner on efforts in multiple CRTPO jurisdictions

6. Economic Competitiveness

1) Minimize project implementation & operation costs; 2) Foster innovative financing & partnerships; 3) Promote increased vehicle occupancy & alternate modes; 4) Support integrated freight system

Click Image for Survey

Click Image for Survey

Public Input Opportunities

The CRTPO is conducting a survey to collect opinions on the proposed 2050 MTP Goals/Objectives, travel around the region, and funding options.

A Virtual Kickoff Meeting is happening on December 17, 4-5p.
RSVP here to participate or visit for more information.

B Holladay