Granny Flats “Flips” Raleigh City Council.

The Triangle Government Alliance and Alliance for Progress in the Triangle
were two Alliances working under one strategy to impacted the 2019 Raleigh City Council Election.

“The power on the council shifted two years ago. The majority (incumbents) call themselves proponents of smart-growth, while critics say they are slow- or anti-growth. Only one in the current majority — Cox — won outright Tuesday.” - The News and Observer


Triangle Government Alliance

Granny Flats was just one aspect of a strategic campaign executed by Triangle Government Alliance which elected pro-growth, pro-density candidates for Raleigh’s Mayor and City Council seats. The Alliance defeat incumbents and filled vacant seats, electing seven candidates (wining all expect for District B).
2019 Slate of Endorsements:
Mayor: Mary-Ann Baldwin
At-Large: Nicole Stewart & Jonathan Melton
District A: Patrick Buffkin
District B: Brian Fitzsimmons
District C: Corey Branch
District D: Saige Martin
District E: David Knight
view election results here


Alliance for Progress in the Triangle


The Alliance for Progress in the Triangle

Empowering local communities through education and advocacy focused on, smart growth, sustainability, and progress in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina; and building a grassroots network of citizens to advocate for affordable housing, sustainable development, mass transit, and other issues important to local citizens

Dustin Engelken with the Triangle Apartment Association organized the campaign strategy and recruited other Raleigh real estate associations and business organizations to create


The Alliance for Progress in the Triangle. The Alliance created campaign messages on transportation, housing affordability and environmental stewardship.

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B Holladay