Charlotte Mecklenburg Government Consolidation
“The City wants to further evaluate to see if the City can change the relationships to produce greater levels of efficiency or effectiveness going forward.”
February 21, 2022. The Intergovernmental Relations Committee of Charlotte City Council started to examine the possibilities for Government Consolidation. They focused on three areas of responsibility that are currently duplicated or divided between the City and the County.
The Charlotte - Mecklenburg Interlocal Agreement will expire in 2028.
“The city wants to further evaluate to see if the city can change the relationships to produce greater levels of efficiency or effectiveness going forward.” - Charlotte City Staff
“It is really simple, instead of saying three say all. We will examine all areas of responsibility that are currently duplicated or divided”. - Councilman Bakari
“A first step should be for us to communicate with the county manager, members of the board of county commissioners that we have identified the need to do this and find out if they will come on board.” - Councilman Driggs
“I did meet with our counterpoints, and they would need some direction from their elected bodies, before moving forward.” - Charlotte City Staff
NOTE: The entire paragraph 2 was removed by the committee.
“We are trying to get the committee charge from the Mayor buttoned up, and then we can figure out how to engage with the other bodies.” - Councilman Winston
UPDATE - March 7, 2021
Intergovernmental Relations Committee Update
Government Consolidation:
Mayor and Council is seeking input and guidance from the Intergovernmental Relations Committee at the next strategy session on the policy question and process of government consolidation. Staff shared a draft document of recommendations for review and feedback. The Committee edited the document and essentially broadened the scope and breadth of a potential inquiry into all services that are currently duplicated by the City and County. The Committee voted to proposed to full Council: The Intergovernmental Relations Committee will examine all areas of responsibility that are currently duplicated or divided between the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. The goal is to identify ways to cooperate with other local governments to achieve greater levels of efficiency and effectiveness. The Committee will engage the City Attorney’s Office to identify legal factors that the Committee and City Council will need to consider when discussing potential changes and the Committee will utilize committee staff resources and department personnel to conduct the evaluations. The Committee will complete this first phase of work by June 2022, while providing periodic updates to Mayor and Council via the City Council Committee report process. recommendation is attached.
County Commission Letter on Consolidation
Click for larger image of letter.