Charlotte 2040 Comp Plan - Revised
On May 20th, The City of Charlotte released a revised draft version for the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. This new released version included changes, from public and political feedback, that was gathered over the last few months. Here is a summary of 3 significant changes.
New Table of Contents
What Changed:
“ General comments about the length of the document and which portions should be adopted, desire to make the main body of the Plan shorter and more digestible.
Split Plan into Three volumes, with Sections 1, 2 and 3 comprising Volume 1, the Implementation Strategy making up Volume 2, and the Appendices being packaged in Volume 3 to make the document more accessible…”
Changes to Place Type Neighborhood 1
click to enlarge image
Changes to Big “Policy” Ideas: 1, 3, 5, 6 & 7
More information:
Lets Get It Right Charlotte - a Messaging Campaign Organized by the Development Industry
Equitable Communities CLT - Advocacy Organization on the Affordable Housing Crisis
Sustain Charlotte - Nonprofit Organization Advocating for Smart Growth Solutions
Neighbors for More Neighbors CLT - Advocates for the Charlotte Future 2040 Plan