Build More Housing Near Transit Act

There is a bipartisan amendment (Amdt. 2541), sponsored by Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) and Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI), which seeks to incorporate language from The Build More Housing Near Transit Act (H.R.2483) into Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

UPDATE: The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act passed without inclusion of the Build More Housing Near Transit Act amendment.

H.R. 2483, Build More Housing Near Transit Act

Bipartisan Amendment 2541

This amendment would add a provision to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that would provide incentives in the New Starts program for transit agencies that perform housing feasibility assessments and coordinate with their local government partners to secure policies that eliminate barriers to development.

This bill carries no cost to the federal taxpayer, and will go a long way in addressing artificial barriers to housing near transit. By adding housing feasibility as a metric in transit funding applications is meaningful and will help drive specific reforms by the local governments that control land use to eliminate barriers to needed housing development.

Inclusion of the Build More Housing Near Transit Act will help ensure that transit infrastructure investment will result in better economic development and recovery outcomes, support housing equity, and address critical climate policy objectives.

B Holladay